Library Services
Everything we do for you, inside the library or out.
Circulation Services
- Interlibrary Loan: If the library does not have the item you need, ask at the desk about borrowing it from another library. ILL services are available to all patrons. The library can usually obtain books from other libraries within a two-week period. There is no cost to the patron. The patron does need to be in good standing with the library and a library card member for at least 90 days before utilizing the Interlibrary Loan services. Patrons are able to fill out request forms in-library with our front desk or request items themselves.
- Public Computers: The library has free WiFI and internet-access computers available for use. Printing and copy services in black and white are offered with donations, and color printing is .25 a page. Microsoft Office applications are available at all terminals. Patrons must sign up for access and time may be limited, based on demand. Internet use policies are posted in the library. Call the front desk at 254-947-9191 for more information.
- Photocopies & Faxes: There is a copy / fax machine available at the library for public use. Copies are 10¢ per page. Faxed pages are $1.00 per page.
- Notary Services: Please give us a call about Notary Services to ensure someone is available to assist you with any notary needs.
- The library offers several programs for all ages. See our monthly program schedules!
- The Summer Reading Program for the whole family is held every summer. The schedule will be announced in May.
Outreach Activities
The Friends of the Library and Library staff provide delivery of Library materials to Salado short and long-term home-bound citizens. Please call the library (947-9191) to get started in our program.
The Library's Collection
- Adult Books
- Juvenile Books
- Young Adult / Teen Books
- Graphic Novels
- Spanish Language Materials
- Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Large Print
- Genealogy
- Audio Books
- E-Books
- Videos/DVDs—English & Spanish
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Reference Materials
- Databases
- WiFi Hot Spots for check out
- and more...
Community Spaces in the Library
- Meeting Room: Seats up to 30 people and is available for use during library hours and limited hours outside of regular operating times. Call the library to reserve the room or find out more information.